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Solvent Extraction Process Knife Gate Valves

by | Jun 19, 2020 | News

Solvent Extraction Process Knife Gate Valves From Orbinox UK

Today our technicians have been working on a batch of ORBINOX 600mm² ‘BC’ square ported knife gate valves. The valves have been fabricated from carbon steel S275JR c/w custom paint finish, AISI 316 gate, Viton resilient seat, double acting pneumatic actuator, with the flange alignment customised to the project requirements.

Our proprietary PneuLINK™ linear to rotary integrated control platform was selected c/w an intrinsically safe Valve Control Monitor, incorporating the 2-off NAMUR inductive sensors, and the integral 5/2 mono-stable solenoid valve. The open / closed position BEACON indicator, with 360° colour coding for maximum visual impact, offers instant visual recognition of the valves position from all vantage points up to 50 metres.

Our valves have been assessed and certified by a third party notified body for use in category 1 (internal) and category 2 & 3 (external) applications, for both dust and gas hazards.

Our high integrity knife gate valve technology was selected for use on a solvent extraction process.

ORBINOX – Valve solutions in more than 70 countries

Solvent Extraction Process Knife Gate Valves

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