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Orbinox UK offer valve and actuator control systems to suit aggressive applications within the mining industry such as acid and solvent extraction of metals, slurries and cooling systems.

The mining industry requires solutions that help make the mining and refining processes safer and more efficient. Due to the mining industries working conditions, applications are demanding. If the valve sealing is not tight enough, corrosion and wear during operation will cause the pipeline and valve to wear much more quickly. This increases the requirement for frequent maintenance is needed while the valve’s lifespan shortens.

If you have a Mining application enquiry, please contact our sales team on sales@orbinox.co.uk or 01243 810240.

Case Studies

Phosphoric Acid Tank Valve Solution

Phosphoric Acid Tank Valve Solution

How we helped one of the largest fertilizer complex with ORBINOX WG slurry heavy duty knife gate valves One of the largest fertilizer complex in the world relies on ORBINOX...

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Tailing filter press valve solutions

Tailing filter press valve solutions

How we helped one of the largest beneficiation iron ore plants with ORBINOX HG slurry high pressure knife gate valves One of the largest beneficiation iron ore plants in Brazil...

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Knife gate valves on SAG mills

Knife gate valves on SAG mills

ORBINOX proves once again the exceptional performance of WG knife gate valves in heavy-duty application. The copper mine needed a robust, long lasting solution for its SAG mill...

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