Orbinox UK - Pulp and Paper Markets
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Pulp and Paper

Orbinox UK supply many of the major pulp and paper groups with both Orbinox knife gate valves and InterApp butterfly valves, from manual on-off duties to fully automated solutions. Our product range includes special solutions for various pulp and paper processes, including junk traps for high density cleaners and quick closing valves for stock preparation.

Our knowledge and experience of this industry allows us to not only offer valve solutions but also provide a comprehensive valve package.

If you have a pulp and paper enquiry, please contact our sales team on sales@orbinox.co.uk or 01243 810240.

Case Studies

High density cleaner valve solution

High density cleaner valve solution

ORBINOX TK through conduit high performance knife gate valve extends average lifespan by more than 12 months A prestigious cardboard paper producer was looking to increase the...

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Wood Washing Tank Valve Solution

Wood Washing Tank Valve Solution

Andritz Brasil and ORBINOX cooperate to develop an innovative submerged valve solution for wood washing tanks Andritz Brasil and ORBINOX worked together to develop the most...

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