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Orbinox UK - Oil and Gas Market
Home 9 Market Segments 9 Oil & Gas

Oil & Gas

This market requires experience and knowledge of the wide range of potential applications and processes, both onshore and offshore in the Oil & Gas Industry.

The Oil & Gas industry involves the production, distribution, refining, and retailing of fuel. Taken as a whole this represents the world’s largest industry in terms of financial value.

At Orbinox UK we believe the Oil and Gas industry is key in our ongoing development to sustain our economy during the move to alternative energy forms, which future generations will need. During the development of these technologies our products continue to underpin modern society, supplying energy to the power industry.

At Orbinox UK, we have vast experience working on multi-billion pound projects with contractors in which every project incorporates new, cutting-edge technologies to ensure the optimum valve and actuator control solution is provided, each and every time.

If you have an Oil & Gas enquiry, please contact our sales team on sales@orbinox.co.uk or 01243 810240.

Case Studies

Phosphoric Acid Tank Valve Solution

Phosphoric Acid Tank Valve Solution

How we helped one of the largest fertilizer complex with ORBINOX WG slurry heavy duty knife gate valves One of the largest fertilizer complex in the world relies on ORBINOX...

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Tailing filter press valve solutions

Tailing filter press valve solutions

How we helped one of the largest beneficiation iron ore plants with ORBINOX HG slurry high pressure knife gate valves One of the largest beneficiation iron ore plants in Brazil...

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