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Home 9 Market Segments 9 Anaerobic Digestion

Anaerobic Digestion

Orbinox UK specialize in providing valve, automation and engineering solutions across all industries however we are extremely focused and motivated by the continuously developing waste to energy sector. This includes Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas.

Waste to energy is an exciting area for us as the economic, agronomic and environmental advantages and benefits are great.

At Orbinox UK we have extensive experience in supplying valves to the Anaerobic Digestion and Biogas markets and have a large installed base in plants across the UK and worldwide with solid references from most of the major technology providers.

Click here to download the full datasheet

If you have a Waste to Energy enquiry, please contact our sales team on sales@orbinox.co.uk or 01243 810240.


Case Studies

Phosphoric Acid Tank Valve Solution

Phosphoric Acid Tank Valve Solution

How we helped one of the largest fertilizer complex with ORBINOX WG slurry heavy duty knife gate valves One of the largest fertilizer complex in the world relies on ORBINOX...

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Tailing filter press valve solutions

Tailing filter press valve solutions

How we helped one of the largest beneficiation iron ore plants with ORBINOX HG slurry high pressure knife gate valves One of the largest beneficiation iron ore plants in Brazil...

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