Home 9 News 9 InterApp Bianca Butterfly Valves From Orbinox UK

InterApp Bianca Butterfly Valves From Orbinox UK

by | Jul 3, 2020 | News

InterApp Butterfly Valve

Think Orbinox UK for InterApp Bianca Butterfly Valves

If you’re looking for high integrity fluoropolymer-lined process butterfly valves for demanding pipeline isolation or flow control applications on highly concentrated acids, aggressive gases or high purity water systems, then look no further than ORBINOX UK!

Our sister company, InterApp, produces our BIANCA series valves in Switzerland, in sizes DN32 – DN900 (1 1/4″ – 36″). Our lean manufacturing program ensures we can produces these valves in days rather than months to meet your delivery expectations, supported by our competent and experienced technical community.

ORBINOX – Valve solutions in more than 70 countries

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