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Orbinox uk news

Solvent Extraction Knife Gate Valves

Solvent Extraction Knife Gate Valves Today our workshop technicians have been working on a batch of ORBINOX ‘BC’ square ported knife gate valves. The body & gate has been fabricated from AISI 316 material, with a Viton resilient seat, and custom flange design, in...

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Incineration Knife Gate Valves

Incineration knife gate valves from Orbinox UK! Incineration can be described as a thermal waste treatment process that involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials. Incineration of waste materials converts the waste into ash, flue gas...

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Dribble Control Logic For Bulk Handling

Dribble control logic for bulk handling Bulk handling applications often demand precise control of the media during the discharge phase of the process. Typically, this can be achieved by introducing a 4-20mA DC signal to position the valve, as required, or...

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InterApp Desponia Plus Butterfly Valves

Nice batch of InterApp DESPONIA Plus series resilient seated butterfly valves going through the workshop. The specification demanded complete SS316 construction, with our proprietary 'VD' liner technology and bevel gearbox operator. These valves will be located in an...

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Hopper Outlet Knife Valve Technology

Our ORBINOX 'XC' series Hopper Outlet knife gate valve technology has been selected for use on a bulk handling application, as the primary silo isolation valves. Did you know the valves body incorporates 2-off flush ports, as standard.💡 They have been...

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Bettis G7 Actuator

Bettis G7 Actuator Always nice to see “big muscle” moving through the workshop 🤩 Our technicians are busy preparing this batch of BETTIS actuators for the FAT this week. The logic includes a DVC6200 SIS positioner c/w tandem mount arrangement for the TOPWORX...

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Chainwheel Knife Valves

Chainwheel knife valves This nice batch of ORBINOX ‘EB’ series bi-directional knife gate valves fitted with our chainwheel operators, is moving through the workshop today. Our chainwheel operators are designed to provide safe and reliable manual operation of valves...

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Petrochemical Refinery Automation Solutions

Petrochemical Refinery Automation Solutions Today our workshop technicians have been carrying out the FAT on this control panel and AIR POWER ‘AES’ series SS316 rack & pinion pneumatic actuator. The specification demanded we maintain a fully pneumatic control...

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XC Series Hopper Outlet Valve

Our ORBINOX 'XC' series Hopper Outlet knife gate valve technology was selected for use on an arduous bulk handling application, as the primary hopper isolation valve. The metal seated valve was fitted with our 'C' type deflector cone, to protect the body from the...

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Orbinox UK
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