Orbinox UK - Oil and Gas Market
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Power Generation

Orbinox UK has ample experience and know how in the Power Generation Industry. Power Generation applications include Hydro Power, Fluegas Desulphorization, Cooling Water, Steam, Waste Incineration, Renewable Energy / Waste to Energy.

Orbinox UK can service customers globally providing a wide range of valve and actuator systems, isolation valves & control systems to the Power Generation industry.

Our design engineers are on hand to help you meet the most demanding design challenges and applications. Our knowledge and experience of the Power Generation industry allows us to not only offer valve solutions but also provide a comprehensive valve package including Project Design / Drafting, Design Analysis, CAD/CAM & Technical Product Support.

Our experience enables us to understand the specific issues and demands of the industry to ensure we consistently provide an optimum and compliant solution on every single project.

If you have a Power Generation enquiry, please contact our sales team on sales@orbinox.co.uk or 01243 810240.

Case Studies

Phosphoric Acid Tank Valve Solution

Phosphoric Acid Tank Valve Solution

How we helped one of the largest fertilizer complex with ORBINOX WG slurry heavy duty knife gate valves One of the largest fertilizer complex in the world relies on ORBINOX...

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Tailing filter press valve solutions

Tailing filter press valve solutions

How we helped one of the largest beneficiation iron ore plants with ORBINOX HG slurry high pressure knife gate valves One of the largest beneficiation iron ore plants in Brazil...

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