Orbinox UK - Pulp and Paper Markets
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Contact Us


Compass House
Glenmore Business Park
Portfield Works, Chichester By Pass
Chichester, West Sussex
West Sussex
PO19 7BJ

Main Tel: +44 (0)1243 810240
Email: sales@orbinox.co.uk



Customer support for post order, Expediting, Stock availability (Valves & Actuators), Returns and Logistics.

Email: commercials@orbinox.co.uk



Orders to place, New Sales enquiries including pre order technical questions.

Email: sales@orbinox.co.uk



Payments, Sales / Purchase Ledger and all other Company finance issues.

Email: accounts@orbinox.co.uk


Contracts and Engineering

Technical support for post order, drawings / documentation and Onsite support (Valves / Actuation).

Email: contracts@orbinox.co.uk

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