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Solenoid Valve

Solenoid Valve



Solenoid valves provide local open/close control by means of a remote powered electric signal. El-O-Matic supplies industry standard NAMUR solenoid valves for direct mounting on the air connection face of the actuator. These are spring return solenoid valves. On power failure automatically returning the actuator to a pre-set (normally closed) position.

Solenoid valves are of the universal type and may be used on double acting or single acting actuators; the change is made by means of a reversible manifold plate. Standard solenoid valves are provided with a manual override control. As an option, speed control throttles are available fitted at the exhaust ports.


For El-O-Matic – Pneumatic Actuator accessory enquiries, please contact our UK Sales Team now on 01243 810240 or email Orbinox UK.



El-O-MATIC Solenoid Valve (Product Data Sheet)

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