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Block and Vent Valve

Block and Vent Valve



The Block and Vent Valve should be used on applications where on site servicing of the actuator is required and where the actuator needs to be isolated from the control system. It provides a local means of blocking the supply air from the actuator at the same time venting all compressed air from both chambers of the actuator. It may be used for double acting or spring return actuators.

The valve block is fixed directly onto the NAMUR air entry manifold and has a further NAMUR interface so that a suitable solenoid valve may be directly mounted.


For El-O-Matic – Pneumatic Actuator accessory enquiries, please contact our UK Sales Team now on 01243 810240 or email Orbinox UK.



El-O-MATIC Block and Vent Valve (Product Data Sheet)

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