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Posiflex Positioners

Posiflex Positioners



The El-O-Matic Posiflex range consists of 2 models, the pneumatic F10 and the electro-pneumatic F20. All models are used in applications in which the pneumatic actuators must be positioned with a high degree of accuracy. The positioners are suitable for single as well as double-acting. They can be used for controlling other movements.

All Posiflex positioners are robust with housings of cast aluminium alloy with a finish of epoxy coating. They are highly resistant to external influences. The interior has a modular structure so that it can be adapted quite simply to your specific uses.


For El-O-Matic – Pneumatic Actuator accessory enquiries, please contact our UK Sales Team now on 01243 810240 or email Orbinox UK.



El-O-MATIC Posiflex Positioner (Product Data Sheet)
El-O-MATIC Posiflex Positioner (Installation Guide)

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