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GVO Series

GVO Series

Bettis pneumatic actuator


Bettis™ GVO-Series linear operators have been designed for service in safety shutdown and control applications. There are six basic models that address low pressure or high pressure operation and double-acting, spring-return or fail-safe configurations. Double-acting models are adaptable to any type of gate valve and have cylinder sizes ranging from 3 inches through 36 inches. They come with optional jackscrew manual overrides and materials of construction for special applications. Spring-return models are adaptable to direct or reverse acting gate valves, API or ANSI and have cylinder sizes ranging from 8 inches through 36 inches. High pressure models are suitable for 2000 psig hydraulic service.

Typical Applications

  • Automation of all rising stem type ball and gate valves


For Bettis pneumatic actuators enquiries, please contact our UK Sales Team now on 01243 810240 or email Orbinox UK.



Bettis GVO-Series Pneumatic Actuator (Product Brochure 09.23)
Bettis GVO-Series Pneumatic Actuator (Installation and Maintenance 09.23)

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