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G Series

G Series

Bettis pneumatic actuator


For more than 40 years, Bettis™ has combined its ingenuity with high quality standards, continuously pioneering valve actuator technology. Beginning with the Robotarm scotch-yoke concept, Bettis™ innovations have become today’s standards for valve control in virtually every part of the world. The company operates in accordance with ISO 9001 and BS-5750 certifications and maintains a formal Total Quality Management program to assure product excellence. Continuing our innovative tradition, Bettis™ introduces the latest valve automation advancement…the G-Series Robotarm II™ quarter-turn actuator.

Typical Applications

  • Automation of ball, butterfly and plug valves
    Automation of louvers and dampers
    Automation of any quarter-turn mechanism


For Bettis pneumatic actuators enquiries, please contact our UK Sales Team now on 01243 810240 or email Orbinox UK.



Bettis G-Series Pneumatic Actuator (Product Brochure 09.23)
Bettis G-Series Pneumatic Actuator (Installation and Maintenance 09.23)

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