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CBB Series

CBB Series

Bettis pneumatic actuator


CBB-Series pneumatic actuators are compact, lightweight and ideally suited for automating ball, butterfly and non-lubricated plug valves, or any quarter- turn (90 degree) rotating mechanism. These efficient, low maintenance valve actuators, with optional controls, provide a reliable method of operating and confirming valve position for a fully automated process. The CBB-Series, available in double-acting and spring-return models, are independently certified to BS 5490: 1977 – IP66 and IP67M for water ingress protection.

Typical Applications

  • Automation of ball, butterfly and plug valves
  • Automation of louvers and dampers
  • Automation of any quarter-turn mechanism


For Bettis pneumatic actuators enquiries, please contact our UK Sales Team now on 01243 810240 or email Orbinox UK.



Bettis CBB-Series Pneumatic Actuator (Manual 09.23)
Bettis CBB-Series Pneumatic Actuator (Metric Data Sheet 09.23)

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