Home 9 News 9 Wafer Butterfly Valve For Abrasive Processes

Wafer Butterfly Valve For Abrasive Processes

by | Dec 11, 2020 | News

Wafer Butterfly Valve

Did you know InterApp can supply our with PEKK coated discs, in sizes DN25 (1″) – DN1400 (56″)?

PEKK polymer (hybrid PEEK) is widely regarded as one of the highest performing thermoplastic materials in the world. It’s resistance to corrosion, abrasion and high temperatures make it ideal for specific industrial applications.

With excellent wear and corrosion resistance, PEKK combined with our FLUCAST liner technology, is the ideal combination for specific abrasive industrial applications.

This wafer lugged pattern butterfly valve is destined for use on an abrasive process slurry application. The specification demanded a WCB body, lugged pattern (through drilled), 17-4PH shaft, FLUCAST abrasion resistant liner, and PEKK coated disc. The valve has been automated with an IA Motion double acting pneumatic actuator.

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