Home 9 News 9 Expansion at Orbinox UK

Expansion at Orbinox UK

by | Sep 17, 2014 | News | 0 comments

Orbinox UK Expansion

During 2013 Orbinox UK expanded its operation in Bognor Regis with additional warehousing. This has allowed for both the increase in stock holding on all product lines and room for the introduction of our now large Bettis stock holding.  Our existing automation stock portfolio has increased to include off the shelf availability of the CBB, CBA300 and G Series actuators along with a range of service kits allowing us to support the UK and global markets.

Orbinox UK Warehouse Reduced

This has also allowed us to increase the volume of shipments and improve our export packing facilities giving our customers enhanced speed and flexibility on all our product deliveries.

These additional facilities allowed us to revamp and expand our in house workshop and engineering capabilities. The introduction of a 2 ton crane and two hydraulic lifting tables in the workshop with additional actuator test equipment including our new PneuDAC (Data Acquisition Control).

Orbinox UK Workshop reduced

Furthermore, to complement our vast technical product knowledge, we have strengthened our Contracts and Engineering team with additional engineers and skill sets, to not only service and assemble products, but to design innovative valve automated solutions using Solidworks 3D design capability to further enhance our engineering excellence.

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