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Drilling Mud Fluid Valves From Orbinox UK

by | Feb 11, 2022 | News

Drilling Mud Fluid Valves

Drilling Mud Fluid Valves

A drilling mud fluid, is an oil or water-based mix of minerals (barite, calcium carbonate), salts and polymers formulated to protect the drill and the shaft during oil or gas borehole drilling.

Drill cuttings are produced as the rock is broken by the drill bit advancing through the rock or soil; the cuttings are usually carried to the surface by drilling fluid circulating up from the drill bit. The discharge of the oil based cuttings generated with oil based fluids is not permitted in most offshore-drilling areas, thus all such cuttings and waste fluids are processed, and shipped to shore for disposal.

Our ORBINOX Knife Gate Valve technology offers a ‘field proven’ robust solution  of drilling mud fluid valves for these arduous applications, complimented by our engineering and process application knowledge, and supported by our installation guidance program to ensure you achieve the desired result.

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