Home 9 News 9 BETTIS™ Actuators & PNEUTON™ Controls On Nickel Aluminium Bronze Ball Valves & InterApp Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves!

BETTIS™ Actuators & PNEUTON™ Controls On Nickel Aluminium Bronze Ball Valves & InterApp Resilient Seated Butterfly Valves!

by | Jun 15, 2017 | News | 0 comments

Bettis Pneuton & InterApp 15 June 2017These nickel aluminium bronze ball valves and InterApp resilient seated butterfly valves have been automated with BETTIS™ CBB series single acting scotch yoke pneumatic actuators c/w our PNEUTON™ engineered 316L stainless steel control panel, populated with the project specified instrumentation. The switchbox beacon visual indicator colour scheme selected was Black (Open) / Yellow (Closed) in consideration for any site personal that may suffer from more common visually impaired colour schemes, for example: Green / Red. 

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