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Adam Robbins joins the Orbinox UK team

by | May 7, 2013 | News | 0 comments

We are delighted to announce the appointment of Adam Robbins who joins us a Trainee Applications Engineer. Adam has a 2:1 in Aerospace Engineering achieved at The University of Surrey and is our first ever technical graduate in our continuous plan to bring new ideas, skills and energy to our team.

Adam RobbinsWith ten years’ experience Orbinox UK have a well-established team and processes to the point that it is increasingly difficult to find people with the skills, experience and knowledge. The next logical step is to recruit graduates and help develop their skills.

We expect Adam to bring new ideas and challenge the existing team whilst leveraging their knowledge and experience.

It is also really important that Orbinox UK are seen to be investing in innovative technologies and ideas to future-proof our business and the solutions that we provide.

According to Managing Director Simon Penfold “the most exciting thing about this appointment is that it has become apparent that graduate engineers are now seeing the valve and actuator engineering industry as an exciting place to have a career due to the diversity of applications, industries, environments and knowledge.

You now need to understand mechanics, process, media, flow, material selection, logic, electronics, electrics, instrumentation and controls as actuator and valve engineering touches on almost every aspect of engineering. In lots of engineering roles you might get stuck on one tiny facet, at Orbinox UK, Application Engineers are likely to be involved in every step of the project from inception, through implementation and into support.“

Whilst Adam is the first of our graduate recruits we see this appointment as the start of a very important chapter in our development and the start of a successful graduate recruitment program.

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