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ET – Uni-directional MSS SP-81 knife gate valve

ET – Uni-directional MSS SP-81 knife gate valve

ET (SER.20) model


Uni-directional MSS SP-81 lug type knife gate valve for general industrial applications

The ET model knife gate is a uni-directional lug type valve designed according to MSS-SP-81 and TAPPI-TIS 405 for industrial service applications.
The design of the body and seat assures non-clogging shutoff on suspended solids in industries such as:

  • Pulp and Paper
  • Power plants
  • Mining
  • Chemical plants
  • Wastewater
  • Food and Beverage
  • etc.

Please contact Orbinox UK for information and availability of categories and zones.



DN 2″/50 to DN 36″/900 (larger diameters on request)

Working pressure

DN 2″/50 to 24″/600: 150 psi (10 bar)
DN 30″/750: 100 psi (7 bar)
DN 36″/900: 100 psi (7 bar)

Standard flange connection

EN1092 PN10
NSI B16.5 (class 150)



ET (SER.20) – Unidirectional-MSS SP-81 (Metric / Catalogue)
Installation Operation & Maintenance Manual ET (Manual)  

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