Home 9 Product 9 RM – Tilting disc check valve
RM – Tilting disc check valve

RM – Tilting disc check valve

RM (SER.35) model


Metal-to-metal seat wafer style tilting disc check valve

The RM model check valve is a reliable metal seated non-return valve with oblique seating angle widely used in industries such as:

  • Pulp and paper
  • Wastewater treatement plants
  • Food and Beverage
  • etc.


Please contact Orbinox UK for information and availability of categories and zones.


Main features

  • Suitable for all the standard flanges
  • Short Face to Face
  • Excellent tightness according to API 598
  • Low pressure drop and opening pressure
  • Quick closing reaction (oblique seating) which reduces water hammer
  • As an option auxiliary spring increases the closing reaction


DN 40 to DN 900 (larger DN on request)

Working pressure

DN 40 to DN 300: 40 kg/cm²
DN 350 to DN 600: 25 kg/cm²
DN 700 to DN 900: 10 kg/cm²

Standard flange connection

EN1092 PN10/16/25/40
ANSI B16.5 (class 150)

Other flange connections are available on request.
Face to face dimensions are according to EN 558-1 (Serie 16)


RM (SER.35) – Tilting disc check valve (Catalogue)
Installation, operation & Maintenance Manual RM (Manual)

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