Home 9 News 9 Resilient Seated Butterfly Valve From InterApp

Resilient Seated Butterfly Valve From InterApp

by | Feb 22, 2019 | News

We can supply InterApp DESPONIA series resilient seated butterfly valve technology with EC 1935:2004 compliance, in sizes DN25 (1″) – DN600 (24″), with larger sizes on request. The framework regulation EC 1935:2004 provides a harmonised legal EU framework. It sets out the general principles of safety and inertness for all Food Contact Materials (FCMs). Our liner technology is available in EPDM or NITRILE material, and can be supplied colour coded (WHITE or BLUE). In process plants, were multiple mixing lines can feed a common output, the maintenance engineers were looking for an easy way of identifying a potential specific valve failure. The colour coding of the liners means that in the unlikely event any elastomer is found in the product, they can quickly determine the source, thus reducing any production down-time. InterApp…..Deeper insights, better outcomes
Resilient seated butterfly valve

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