Home 9 News 9 Pulp and Paper Process Valves from Orbinox UK

Pulp and Paper Process Valves from Orbinox UK

by | Aug 21, 2020 | News

Pulp and Paper Valves

Our ORBINOX ‘3V & 4V’ series diverter valves are the perfect choice for demanding pulp stock applications within the Pulp & Paper industry. These robust valves provide reliable process control, diverting the pulp stock on demand, without compromise.

This DN150 CF8M ‘4V’ series 4 way L port diverter valve has been automated with an EL-O-MATIC ‘F’ series double acting pneumatic actuator, and is replacing a valve we supplied almost 20 years ago, demonstrating the durability of our quality products within these demanding applications.

ORBINOX – Valve solutions in more than 70 countries

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