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Protection Cabinets For Harsh Offshore Environments

by | Nov 8, 2019 | News

For harsh offshore environments you need Protection Cabinets from Orbinox UK & PNEUTON™

In harsh off-shore environments, as best practice, installing your controls within our 316L protection cabinets will increase both the reliability and the installed life of the instrumentation, and will ensure a reduced maintenance regime, which ultimately equates to lower cost of ownership over the life of the asset. This BETTIS ‘CBA’ series pneumatic actuator, with remote mounted control cabinet, is undergoing FAT. The project specifications required the use of 316L stainless steel instrument tubing with a thermoplastic polyurethane jacket (TPU), providing increased protection against galvanic and atmospheric corrosion. The heat-shrink adhesive lined sleeves provide a means of sealing the tube-fitting interface junction, for high integrity insulation. Destined for use off-shore on an FPSO. Valve Automation – THINK PNEUTON™
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