Home 9 News 9 Hopper Outlet Knife Gate Valve Technology

Hopper Outlet Knife Gate Valve Technology

by | Oct 15, 2020 | News

Hopper Outlet Knife Gate Valve

Our ORBINOX ‘XC’ series Hopper Outlet Knife Gate Valve technology is the perfect choice for demanding bulk handling applications.

The metal seated valve was fitted with our ‘C’ type deflector cone, to protect the body from the abrasive medium, whilst guiding the bulk material through the centre of the valves bore, reducing the potential for any solids getting trapped within the cavity. The gate has been hard chromed, providing increased corrosion and abrasion resistance, whilst reducing the friction coefficient through the gland arrangement.

The valve has been automated with our single acting pneumatic cylinder (fail closed), and fitted with our proprietary PneuLINK™ linear-to-rotary integrated control platform c/w a Valve Position Monitor, incorporating the 2-off limit switches. Our PneuNAMUR™ product was selected too, facilitating the fitting of the project specified NAMUR mount solenoid valve, back-wired into the VPM. Based on the hostile environmental conditions, a closed loop breather system was employed, as best practice.

This hopper outlet knife gate valve is destined for use on a catalyst bulk handling application within a chemical plant.

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