Home 9 News 9 High Temperature Bulk Handling Knife Gate Valve

High Temperature Bulk Handling Knife Gate Valve

by | Aug 22, 2019 | News

High Temperature Bulk Handling Knife Gate Valve Technology – our PNEUTON™ engineering team has just completed the 3D models for our next contract…. Our ORBINOX ‘XC‘ series hopper outlet knife gate valve technology was selected for use on a high temperature bulk handling application.
The specification demanded a CF8M body c/w our ‘C’ type deflector cone, the latter used to protect the valves body from the abrasive medium, whilst guiding the bulk material through the centre of the valves bore. It also acts as the primary scraper, reducing the potential for any solids getting trapped within the valves cavity. The extended yoke design considers any conducted and radiated heat source, ensuring the operating integrity of our proprietary PneuLINK™ linear-to-rotary integrated control platform, including the double acting pneumatic actuator. Our Valve Control Monitor system was selected, incorporating the 2-off limit switches, and the integral 5/2 mono-stable solenoid valve. ORBINOX – Valve solutions in more than 70 countries    High Temperature Bulk Handling Knife Gate Valve

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