Home 9 News 9 Food & Beverage Butterfly Valves

Food & Beverage Butterfly Valves

by | May 27, 2022 | News

Food & Beverage Butterfly Valves

Food & Beverage butterfly valves from InterApp

Nice batch of InterApp DESPONIA+ series resilient seated Food & Beverage butterfly valves moving through the workshop this week.

These valves are destined for the food & beverage industry, complying with EC 1935:2004 regulations.

The framework regulation EC 1935:2004 provides a harmonised legal EU framework. It sets out the general principles of safety and inertness for all Food Contact Materials (FCMs).

The specification demanded a SS316 body, food grade liner and SS316 mirror polished disc. The lever operator is fitted with a custom engineered solution to provide remote open/closed position feedback via an IFM inductive proximity dual switch module, certified for use within a category 3 dust hazardous area.

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