Home 9 News 9 Critical Digestate Slurry Valves From Orbinox UK

Critical Digestate Slurry Valves From Orbinox UK

by | Feb 24, 2021 | News

Critical Digestate Slurry Valves

Always great to see a nice batch of knife gate valves going through the workshop….

Our ORBINOX ‘EB’ series bi-directional knife gate valve technology was selected for a critical digestate slurry pipeline application within an anaerobic digestion plant.

The critical digestate slurry valves have been automated with our single acting pneumatic actuators c/w our proprietary PneuLINK™ linear to rotary integrated control platform.

The Valve Control Monitor (VCM) acts as an integral junction box, which facilitates a single multiple core cable for the discrete inputs and output, reducing site cabling and installation costs. No exposed wires, IP67 ingress protected!

The open / closed position BEACON indicator, with 360° colour coding for maximum visual impact, offers instant visual recognition of the valves position from all vantage points up to 50 metres.

ORBINOX – Valve solutions in more than 70 countries

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