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Bettis G Series Pneumatic Actuator For Use Offshore

by | Oct 25, 2019 | News

This model of a Bettis G Series Pneumatic Actuator is destined for Offshore Use.

Our PNEUTON™ engineering team has recently completed the 3D model for our next contract…… For this application, the specification demanded that the BETTIS ‘G’ series single acting pneumatic actuator would be returned to a FAIL SAFE condition, on loss of 4-20mA DC, or if the SOV is tripped, or if the instrument supply falls below a predetermined minimum pressure. The manual override gearbox provides for local intervention, under a catastrophic air failure event. Destined for use off-shore on a waste heat recovery unit. Valve Automation – THINK PNEUTON™
Bettis G Series Pneumatic Actuator


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