Combustible dusts can pose serious risks to Arduous Applications such as process plants. Managing these risks with the correct product specification is paramount to creating a safe working environment. ORBINOX has developed our high integrity Knife Gate Valve technology for these arduous applications. Our products can be engineered to comply with DIN EN 14460 standard: Explosion Pressure Resistant Equipment, creating an effective barrier against flame propagation in the event of an explosion. ORBINOX – Valve solutions in more than 70 countries
Linear to Rotary ‘PneuLINK™’ Integrated Control Platform Nice batch of ORBINOX ‘XC’ series hopper outlet knife gate valves c/w deflector cones, flush ports, and automated with our double acting pneumatic cylinder. The customer selected our proprietary PneuLINK™ linear to rotary… Read more: Linear to Rotary ‘PneuLINK™’ Integrated Control
Solvent Extraction Knife Gate Valves Today our workshop technicians have been working on a batch of ORBINOX ‘BC’ square ported knife gate valves. The body & gate has been fabricated from AISI 316 material, with a Viton resilient seat, and… Read more: Solvent Extraction Knife Gate Valves
Incineration knife gate valves from Orbinox UK! Incineration can be described as a thermal waste treatment process that involves the combustion of organic substances contained in waste materials. Incineration of waste materials converts the waste into ash, flue gas and heat. The… Read more: Incineration Knife Gate Valves
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