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Custom Painted Bettis Actuators

by | Sep 2, 2022 | News

Custom Painted Bettis Actuators

Custom Painted Bettis actuators from Orbinox UK

Always great to see a nice batch of BETTIS ‘G’ series single acting pneumatic actuators moving through the workshop, especially with a custom paint system applied! 😍

These custom painted Bettis Actuators have been populated with the project specified instrumentation, which includes a tandem mount arrangement to incorporate the DVC6200 positioner and TOPWORX Valve Position Monitor.

The SS316L control logic includes an electrical pressure switch, 3/2 pressure sensing valve, ASCO 327 solenoid valve, 1:1 ratio volume booster c/w flow controllers, filter c/w by-pass arrangement, and a filter-regulator. Due to the corrosive environment, the instrumentation is interconnected with Inconel alloy 625 tube & fittings.

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