Orbinox UK 2016 marketing campaign is well underway – We hope to get the relevant marketing material out to all our customers in due course. Please let us know if you would like any of the products or literature pictured fast-tracked.
ORBINOX UK – 12 Years old today! Thanks to all our colleagues in Orbinox group for your continued support! We look forward to working with our new colleagues at InterApp & Wouter Witzel. #orbinoxuk #automation
Orbinox UK becomes AVK Flow control platform within the UK From the 1st May 2015 Orbinox UK have become the AVK Flow control platform within the UK. The AVK group have a strong global presence and with more than 65 companies worldwide, whilst still being privately...
PNEUTON™ launches their PneuLINK™ linear to rotary integrated control platform solutions. This new technology offers inbuilt terminals and cable access points as well as a much more simplified installation & maintenance procedure. View more details...
Contact Orbinox UK
Compass House
Glenmore Business Park
Portfield Works, Chichester By Pass
Chichester, West Sussex PO19 7BJ
Phone: +44 (0)1243 810240
Email: sales@orbinox.co.uk
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