Home 9 Product 9 BX – Coal burner isolation knife gate valve
BX – Coal burner isolation knife gate valve

BX – Coal burner isolation knife gate valve

BX model


Bi-directional wafer style knife gate valve for coal burner isolation

The BX model knife gate is a bi-directional wafer valve specifically designed for the isolation of pulverized coal burner lines on coal fired boilers during maintenance. The valve is dust tight which makes it suitable for other bulk handling applications, such as silo outlet valves. This valve has been designed for use in potentially explosive areas (ATEX) and it complies with DIN EN 14460 (Explosion resistant equipment). In the closed position, the valve can be used as an effective measure against flame propagation in the event of an explosion.


Please contact Orbinox UK for information and availability of categories and zones.



DN 700 to DN 1000 (Smaller and larger diameters on request).

Working pressure

DN 700 to DN 1000: 3 bar

Standard flange connection


DIN EN 14460

(DN 700-1000) Valve housing resistance to explosion pressure and ignition disrupting resistance against St1 dust explosion in closed position:
DN700-800: 9,6 bar
DN900-1000:10,5 bar

*IMPORTANT: Pressure rating of the valve refers to maximum working pressure of the valve. The maximum explosion pressure exceeds many times the working pressure, so 94/9/EC limits must always be observed.


BX – Coal burner isolation (ATEX cat.1) (Metric / Catalogue)
Installation Operation & Maintenance Manual BX (Manual)

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