Home 9 Product 9 Desponia Butterfly Valve
Desponia Butterfly Valve

Desponia Butterfly Valve

InterApp – DN 25-1600


Centric Butterfly Valve with Elastomer Liner for Liquids & Gases in the Industrial Range, General Services, Water Treatment,…

The InterApp range of High Integrity Butterfly valves have been designed to meet the most demanding requirements and applications. Customers globally rely on the expertise and ongoing developments in technology, material and coating to improve valve performance.


For InterApp butterfly valves enquiries, please contact our UK Sales Team now on 01243 810240 or email Orbinox UK.


Body construction

D1 Wafer DN 25-1000
D3 Lug DN 25-600
D4 U-section DN 150-1600

Face to face dimension according to ISO 5752/20, EN 558-1/20
Top flange according to EN ISO 5211

Max. working pressure

16 bar


PN6, PN10, PN16, ANSI cl. 150

Temperature range

-20°C ÷ 140°C according to material

Tightness test according to EN 12266-1/P12

Leakage rate

A, test fluid water



InterApp Desponia Butterfly Valve (Catalogue 09.23)
InterApp Desponia Butterfly Valve (Installation and Maintenance – Manual 09.23)

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