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PNEUTON™ Remote Mounted Controls

by | Oct 29, 2021 | News

PNEUTON™ Remote Mounted Controls

PNEUTON™ Remote Mounted Controls from Orbinox UK

Another nice batch of ROTORK ‘GP’ series double acting scotch yoke pneumatic actuators c/w remote mount control panels, heading to our packing department.

The project specification required EMERSON DVC6200f PST positioners with Foundation Fieldbus digital communication protocol. A tandem mount system has been fitted to accommodate the ‘BEACON’ style Open / Closed position visual indicator.

Pneumatic instrumentation supplied in SS316L material, comprising a filter-regulator, pressure relief valve, 1:1 ratio filter-volume boosters, non-return valves, solenoid valves, pressure sensing valves and 3/2 spool valves.

Valve Automation – THINK PNEUTON™

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