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PNEUTON™ Engineering

by | Jul 27, 2018 | News

Our PNEUTON™ engineering team can assist you by providing fast track quality engineered solutions that will not compromise your engineering standards, but with a primary focus to reducing cost against traditional supply routes.  Our competent technicians have just completed the FAT on these self-contained nitrogen control panel for a tank farm fire protection system.  The tank farm was remotely located from the refinery and lacked any utilities for valve automation.  The high integrity panels provided a means of motive power, with redundancy, and included remote system pressure indication.  The panel is designed such that it can be re-charged  in-situ with the additional advantage that the N2 bottles can be replaced, if necessary, via the “tilting” weather-hood. 
Valve Automation – THINK PNEUTON™ 
PNEUTON™ Engineering control panel

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