Home 9 News 9 Orbinox UK becomes AVK Flow control platform within UK

Orbinox UK becomes AVK Flow control platform within UK

by | Apr 30, 2015 | News | 0 comments

Orbinox UK becomes AVK Flow control platform within the UK

From the 1st May 2015 Orbinox UK have become the AVK Flow control platform within the UK.

The AVK group have a strong global presence and with more than 65 companies worldwide, whilst still being privately owned by the founder. This move will benefit Orbinox UK in many ways, but in particular it will enable us to embrace the brands and product ranges of Wouter Witzel and InterApp. This will allow us to bring a wider range of products and solutions to our customers and greatly strengthen our market presence.

Director of Orbinox UK, Simon Penfold said that this is a new chapter in the life of Orbinox UK. We have seen many changes and had much growth since our conception in 2003, but this is probably the biggest change we have seen to date, albeit the most beneficial to our development and future stability. These are exciting times and we look forward to working closely with our new colleagues.

AVK Flow Control

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