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Off-Shore Knife Gate Valves From Orbinox UK

by | Jun 20, 2019 | News

Off-Shore Knife Gate Valves from Orbinox UK

This batch of ORBINOX ‘EX’ series knife gate valves are destined for use on an off-shore drilling mud application. The specification called for both double acting hydraulic and single acting pneumatic actuators. Our proprietary PneuLINK™ linear-to-rotary integrated controls platform was selected, incorporating 4-20mA DC position transmitters, for the hydraulic actuators, and our Valve Control Monitor solution, incorporating 2-off NAMUR inductive proximity sensors and a mono-stable solenoid valve, for the single acting pneumatic actuators. The latter includes a closed loop breather system, to prevent environmental ingress, as best practise. ORBINOX – Valve solutions in more than 70 countries www.orbinox.co.uk
Valve automation – THINK PNEUTON™


Off-Shore Knife Gate Valves

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