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Bulk Handling Knife Gate Valve From Orbinox UK

by | Jun 10, 2019 | News

Bulk Handling Knife Gate Valve Technology from Orbinox UK

Our ORBINOX ‘BC’ series square ported knife gate valve technology can be custom fabricated to meet our customers specifications, including the mating flange alignment. This valve is destined for use on a bulk handling application, and has been automated with a double acting pneumatic actuator c/w our proprietary PneuLINK™ linear-to-rotary integrated controls platform. Our intrinsically safe Valve Control Monitor (VCM) solution was selected for this bulk handling knife gate valve, incorporating 2-off NAMUR inductive proximity sensors and a 5/2 mono-stable solenoid valve. No flying leads or third party
junction boxes to consider, removing engineering costs from the installation, whilst ensuring absolute compliance.
Bulk Handling Knife Gate Valve

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