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BETTIS GH Series Single Acting Pneumatic Actuator

by | May 23, 2019 | News

BETTIS GH Series Single Acting Pneumatic Actuator
Our PNEUTON™ engineering team has just completed the 3D models for our next contract…… This 12″ #300 ball valve has been automated with a BETTIS GH series single acting pneumatic actuator, which has been fitted with a closed loop breather (CLB) system. In harsh off-shore environments, the CLB system refreshes the non-pressurised side of the power module with clean instrument air during the spring strokes negative displacement. The non-return valve maintains a slight positive pressure above atmospheric, thus preventing ingress, for optimum integrity.
BETTIS Actuators and Controls are used in most applications where valves are operated automatically, both onshore and offshore.
Orbinox UK are an official channel partner for the BETTIS actuators range including repair kits.
Valve Automation – THINK PNEUTON™
BETTIS GH Series Actuator

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