Home 9 News 9 Bettis G7 Actuator

Bettis G7 Actuator

by | Feb 10, 2023 | News

Bettis ~G7 Actuator

Bettis G7 Actuator

Always nice to see “big muscle” moving through the workshop 🤩

Our technicians are busy preparing this batch of BETTIS actuators for the FAT this week. The logic includes a DVC6200 SIS positioner c/w tandem mount arrangement for the TOPWORX switchbox. To meet the operating times, a 1:1 ratio filter-volume booster is employed. The solenoid valve will initiate the shutdown under an event situation. We incorporated a closed loop breather system, as best practice.

In the foreground is a BETTIS G4 series, with the brute on the bench a BETTIS G7 actuator, weighing in at 1.5 tons 💪

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